Signature Facial

To get the level of luxury and attention that I received last week, I had always assumed one would have to endure a big price in a big city.


I was wrong.


Right here in Fort Collins, Colorado is a wonderful, holistic spa that proved me wrong, and I’m thrilled that they did.


With the Signature Facial booked, I was ready for a lovely morning.


When I arrived, my day and my mood was immediately elevated as I walked into Soak Spa & Foot SanctuaryMelissa, owner of the spa, was waiting for me at the front desk, exuding a level of attention that I immediately recognized. No sense of hurry or rush. It seemed that she was just as excited to do her work as I was to receive it. 


Actually, everyone that I interacted with seemed genuinely joyous to be doing this healing work – because that’s what it is. These services that they’re doing are healing their clients, through kindness and positive energy, along with beautifully organic products and healthy body and skin treatments. 


This healing energy and intention was set as soon as I was on the table, on top of a heated pad and under the blankets.The rubbing of Melissa’s hands, followed by “take 3 deep breaths” as she encouraged me to inhale the essential oils, relaxing into the moment.


Down to my feet, where each foot was cleansed and wrapped in massage lotion, oil, and warm booties. 


Then, cleansing and closely analyzing my skin. A long, gentle yet deep clean that lasts for several minutes, with extractions (I don’t want to know what she got out of my skin!), followed by a fruit enzyme serum and warm towel and toner.


Apricot oil! The use of this yummy oil was next and applied strategically and lovingly to my face, neck, chest, upper arms, neck and shoulders – all with the right amount of pressure. This oil application step was slow and considerate, as Melissa focused here for about 20 minutes.


Because Melissa saw that my skin is dry, she then added an all-natural, hydrating mask, along with a lip balm (nice touch!) before using a rose and lavender water tissue to further hydrate and cleanse. And of course there was an eye pillow.


Melissa then untucked each arm individually and spent another few minutes of attention on my arms and hands, with more of the luxurious massage oil and lotion. Warm towels were placed on each foot and, even though I was nearing the end of my session, I was still feeling no rush and completely taken care of.


The last few minutes of the facial was just as loving and attentive as the rest. There was no hurry in removing the mask that had been applied and treating my skin to the last routine of toner, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, moisturizer, and sunscreen. All of this was done slowly and intentionally.


My experience ended just as it began. Three deep breaths, at Melissa’s direction, of the Awaken blend essential oils, stimulating just enough. I finally opened my eyes, regaining and grounding myself back into the present.


More than an hour had gone by, although my sense of time had disappeared, along with worry and stress. I dressed and looked in the mirror, touching the softest skin I had felt in years. I’m 41 years old and this skin did not feel like my own. 


But it was me! The expected “lovely morning” that I had prepared for left my skin lovely and my whole self rejuvenated. That glow that one can get from a facial is of course due to premium products and knowledgeable estheticians, but also can come from the totality of the experience. The attention to every detail, from environment and intention and overall wellness, made this not just a lovely facial, but an immersive holistic practice.